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Keep it Pure

Cleanse your room, keep it Holy, Keep it pure, insist on this as we meet each day. I will grant more and more ways in which you can come to me. Come to me in honour, come to me with a humble heart, my love is pouring out of my heart for those that seek me those that hear my voice, it is the pureness that is in those that seek me, those that desire to know me intimately for I am coming, I am coming for my bride, for my beloved ones, who have been wearied , who have continued through the storms of this life knowing there is a peace beyond all comprehension, beyond your thoughts, but it is your natural home.

To those who seek, keep cleansing, keep purifying your hearts, this is what is the most valuable way to spend your time. When time is up, as you know it, it will feel like a lost day, a time that can never return, so use each day now in this realm to the best to the fullness so when your rewards are given, you will stand in glory for your acts of kindness, for all the times you showed love to a stranger to a friend to a loved one. Your simple act of pure love is what I delight in, it is the pureness that is me, the pure light that radiates from me, that dispels all fear, takes all hate and floods it out of its roots, filling it up with the gentleness and such joy your heart will sing. Go now daughter, in all you do today, remember me, and in all you meet let my love shine out of you and touch their hearts in spirit, in joy.

Every one is unique, I have fashioned each and everyone of my children to explode with uniqueness and divine individual gifts. No one person is the same inside or outside. I see all the attributes, I give each of my children gifts to use in the ways I designed them to be used. Seek the gifts to come forth, call them in your inner being to explode from your being. Your gifts are for you to use in service to our Father, in his service only are these gifts. Some people go all through their days not realizing the gifts and ways are for Father's service, to honour him, to serve, it is like all the facets of a diamond shining with it's lights bouncing of of it, creating such a feeling of joy as you experience the colours, the reflections of beauty that reflect God's light and Love . You can see me all around you, everywhere you look I am. I am there waiting to be seen, waiting to be beheld and felt. How exciting to search for me and find me always there, knowing now I was always there and always will be for eternity.

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